STMicroelectronics Zhubei corporate visit
French Chamber Semiconductor Committee, in collaboration with the French Office in Taipei, organized a visit to the STMicroelectronics Zhubei site.
Increasing exchanges between French businesses and Taiwan in the Semiconductor industry highlights the exponential opportunities for further business partnerships and research exchanges.
The committee hopes to work collaboratively between French and Taiwanese key stakeholders on the increase representation of French business interests in Taiwan and promoting the French market to Taiwan.
To be part of the committee, you must be:
Committee Co-Chairmen:
Pascal VIAUD, Invest in Grenoble-Alpes / Wise Integration / Corial
Linda CHANG, ECM Greentech
-Stéphane PEDEN: director@ccift.org.tw
-Maxime DEJAEGHERE: service@ccift.org.tw
French Chamber Semiconductor Committee, in collaboration with the French Office in Taipei, organized a visit to the STMicroelectronics Zhubei site.
As per tradition, we were pleased to welcome key French-Taiwan stakeholders in the semiconductor ecosystems to a welcoming reception at the dawn of...
Event report
On Sep 13, the CCIFT Semiconuductor Committee hosted our inaugural social evening bringing guests from France, Taiwan and the world.