Taiwan is a strikingly beautiful island, with lush lowlands on the western side, and imposing mountain ranges in the center and the east. In spite of the small size and the abundant nature, Taiwan is densely populated (23.9 million) and heavily urbanized as around 70% of the entire population lives in the 6 biggest cities. The country is known for its advanced electronic and semi-conductor industries, strong manufacturing base and healthy economic outlook.

The Heart of Asia

Taiwan is literally in the heart of Asia, with close proximity to major consumer markets in China, Japan, Indonesia, Russia and Korea. With excellent port facilities around the island and several international airports directly serving major global destinations, Taiwan puts you on the doorstep to one of the world’s largest markets.

An Island of Entrepreneurs

Taiwan is a nation of entrepreneurs. Doing business is an intrinsic part of the nation’s spirit. This favorable business climate is nourished by strong government support and a dependable regulatory environment that makes doing business in Taiwan easy.






Taiwan consistently scores high in international comparison tables for the standard of living, business freedom, rule of law, and trade freedom.



Taiwan excels at technical innovation.

Government funding, incubation centers and private support groups are creating a vibrant environment for startups, which has a positive spill-over effect on the business climate as a whole.

Seamless integration between universities, research centers and commercial zones ensure a healthy environment where great ideas can flourish.



Taiwan has changed its perspective. From an inward-focused nation in the late 1970's to the opening up of the Mainland Chinese and regional market in the previous decade, today's Taiwan is increasingly focused on international cooperation.
Foreign entrepreneurs coming to Taiwan will find a strong interest in their proposals and ideas - and a warm welcome.



Taiwan consistently scores high in international comparison tables for the standard of living, business freedom, rule of law, and trade freedom.

Taiwan is both a big importer (ranking 18 out of 222 countries) and an exporter (17 out of 222 countries), which means there are endless business opportunities to be explored. (OMC/2022)



The densely populated Western part of Taiwan consists of numerous interconnected cities, industrial zones, science parks and universities These are all connected by an extensive network of high-speed and regular railways, highways, seaports and airports, making it easy and convenient to get around.


Taiwan is one of the most forward-looking Asian nations when it comes to reducing dependency on nonrenewable energy sources. With its eye firmly on the goal of creating a sustainable future, Taiwan has invested heavily in public transportation, infrastructure, electric vehicles, carbon-reducing measurements and green policies.


The government’s massive investment in infrastructure is not only improving the country’s quality of life and the business climate, but also represents a tremendous opportunity for foreign companies looking to participate in this rapid new development.


As a small island with large cities that are connected by an excellent network of road and rail, getting around Taiwan is easy and affordable. High-speed railways connect the major cities, which all have convenient public transportation.


There are many Taiwanese government organizations that are dedicated to offering support, incentives and financial support for imports, exports, entrepreneurship in general, incubation centers, research & development and trade promotion. The CCEF can help you find the right point of contact for your business and get you on your way to find the information you need.


The French Chamber Taiwan, as well as the Bureau Français de Taipei, are very active in Taiwan and have a strong presence there. They provide direct access to a wealth of local information and resources from French entrepreneurs.


Regulation and taxation in Taiwan are consistent and dependable. With a favorable fiscal climate and a world-class financial services industry, Taiwan has all the foundations you need to build and expand your business.



Taiwan is a wonderful place to live. Virtually crime and vandalism-free, Taiwan’s cities are clean, convenient, cosmopolitan, affordable and have excellent transportation options. There are several international schools, and there are many social and support networks for foreigners and their families.

The Taiwanese are considered to be one of the friendliest people in the world. Intensely curious, welcoming and always helpful, the people of Taiwan place great emphasis on tolerance and sharing. It is one of the main reasons most expats call Taiwan their favorite destination. Family-friendly, safe and reliable: the perfect place to settle in and get down to business.

City and Countryside

In spite of the high urbanization rate, Taiwan has a beautiful countryside, with about 8.6% of the entire land area designated as national parks. The island has the largest number and density of high mountains in the world. and there are 286 mountain summits over 3,000 meters (9,800 ft) above sea level.
The major cities pride themselves on a cosmopolitan look-and-feel, with all the amenities of modern life within reach. From Michelin-star dining to the famous traditional night markets with their local street food, Taiwan offers an endless variety of places to see and things to do. Art and culture thrive in Taiwan and the island boasts hundreds of museums.

Quality of Life

The cost of living in Taiwan is relatively low. Rent and utilities are very affordable. Food and drink are far from expensive.
Taiwanese healthcare is extremely well organized, and the country is a global leader in certain fields of medicine. The government subsidized healthcare means that the vast majority of medical procedures are extremely affordable.
Many expats find that they can have a much better standard of living here in Taiwan than they can in their home nation.
The proximity to other regional economic hubs and quick access to the international airports make Taiwan the preferred base for many businesses who are expanding into Asia.


Check out more detailed information about this beautiful island. (In French)

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