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The CCI France International supports The SeaCleaners

A new milestone for the association in its fight against plastic pollution of the oceans!

June 2nd, 2021 marks a new stage in the growth of the association, with the presentation of Mobula 8 which was held in Paimpol, on the Brittany lands so dear to the association.

Designed in close collaboration with the naval company EFINOR SeaCleaner, this boat was created to clean up in calm and protected waters, simultaneously macro waste, micro-plastics and hydrocarbons. The Mobula 8 will begin its first mission in Indonesia in late fall 2021. 

The Mobula?

To collect floating waste in places where conditions will not allow the Manta to venture out, due to a width, depth or maneuverability restrictions, Manta Innovation is developing with its partner, Efinor Sea Cleaner , two collection boats capable of collecting both macro-waste, micro-waste and hydrocarbons.

  • The Mobula 8 operates in calm and protected waters such as harbour areas, rivers, lake areas, etc.

  • The Mobula 10 operates in coastal waters, rivers with strong currents, etc.

As with the Manta, life cycle and techno-economic analyzes were carried out with the Altran teams in order to minimize the environmental footprint and the operational costs of these boats. The Mobula are active within the framework of the Manta collection missions (embarked in the manta rafts) but they are also deployable autonomously.



What is The Sea Cleaner?

The Sea Cleaners collect floating plastic waste in high concentration areas before it sinks or breaks down into microplastics, and  they develop innovative collection and reuse solutions of plastic waste in the sea, with as little environmental impact as possible.

Today, the Sea Cleaners is active on several fronts:
Raising awareness and promoting prevention, sharing scientific knowledge, accelerating the transition to a circular economy, and developing innovative solutions for waste collection and repurposing on land and at sea.

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