Throw Back To...

Event report

Throwback to 微醺。花聚 A Floral Experience

A floral arrangement masterclass took place on a blissful afternoon on 1st Septmber sharing the best of French tastes.

Our Floral Arrangement Event was held in the Artidée of Claude Cossec. Rosé, macarons, chocolate and kombucha complimented the afternoon, just an extra touch to the French experience. 


Our appreciations to our participants who came and our members and genrous sponsors: 

  • A masterclass with Claude Cossec
  • 2 glasses of Roseblood Rosé by NoLimit
  • Sparkling Kombucha provided by KuluDrink
  • Assorted macarons provided by Gourmet Selection
  • Chocolat Debauve & Gallais by Nicolas