Asiallians Conference 2019
Event ended.
China is no exception: a Company, its representatives, its employees can face criminal liabilities. However, most expatriates remain uninformed about the need for criminal risk management, which is particularly relevant in human resources and labor law, in industrial activities with environmental risks, with a company targeted by an anti-bribery investigation, or simply because a commercial conflict goes wrong or a personal mishap forces police intervention.
We propose to discuss:
What are the risks likely to incur criminal liability,
Chinese characteristics of criminal law and procedure,
Who to call? Who to face?
How to implement prevention or anticipation,
Do’s and don’t when issue has occured.
Speaker Presentation:
Franck Desevedavy is a co-founder of ASIALLIANS Attorneys-at-Law.
He has been practicing in Taiwan since 1996, in China since 1999 and in Hong Kong since 2015. Graduated in Chinese (INALCO) with Law Degree (Paris I), he is admitted before Paris Bar Association, Taipei Bar and the Law Society of Hong Kong. Arbitrator in Paris, Shanghai and Taipei, French Foreign Trade Advisor, he is a specialist in litigation and risk management in the China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
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Asiallians Conference 2019
Event ended.