Business Directory

The business directory is a perfect tool for companies and individuals that are already doing business in Taiwan or planning to invest in Taiwan.

It contains useful elements such as general and business information about Taiwan, but most importantly a list of our members, indexed by alphabetical order and by sectors. 

As part of our CSR commitment we decided to go green and to publish it online instead of printing paper copies.


  • Access to a wide network: Visitors of the website have access to the contact information of members part of French Chambers Network.
  • More visibility: Member companies' pages are visible to other Chambers' members 
  • Ease of access: If you would like to have detailed contact information, become a member to connect them directly through your private space.
  • User friendly:
    • Different ways to search a company (by business sector or alphabetic order)
    • Members can directly update their information
    • More dynamic and pleasant interface


Find a member

440 contacts found in 150 companies and individual memberships for the selected criteria

For more detail (contacts) or consult the worldwide directory, become a member and login to the private area of our website.

Login How to become a member?
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